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How to use colormap in subplots?

For a project, I’m trying to plot on the same figure (using subplots) to “graph”. The data have been collected using a database (but for my problem here, I tried to selected only reasonable number of value).

On the left of the figure, I plot the temperature in JFK during 10 consecutive days whereas on the right, I plot a scatter of the temperature in various locations in the US on a specific day. This is the part where it gets tricky : I’d like to use a colormap to display the variation of the temperature across the country and even if I’ve been able to change the color of the colormap, the dots of the scatter are all with the same color

Here are my variables:


Here is the code itself :


I think that what I’m doing wrong is with the cmap = line but I don’t know what to write otherwise.

Here is the picture of how it looks: What the code returns

Furthermore, when I try to display only the map of the country on a specific day, it works perfectly fine. Here is the code and a image of how it looks :


What I get when only displaying the temperature across the country

What I’ve noticed is that when using subplots I have to specify what norm and cmap are in fig.colorbar for which is absent when displaying only the temperature of the country

Finally, I’d like to have the colorbar to have the same dimension as the plot when using subplots (as it is the case when I’m only plotting the temperature of the country, see 2nd image)


To sum it up, my problem is that when I plot the temperature in JFK during 10 days and the temperature across the US on a specific day on the same figure, these mistakes happen:

  • The dots (scatter function) all appear with the same color (blue) instead of having different colors depending on its value
  • The colorbar overflows below the graph



Thanks to @JohanC, I’ve been able to fix my issues: Using scatter1=ax[1].scatter(longitude,latitude,cmap='RdBu',s=20) and fig.colorbar(scatter1, ax=ax[1], pad=0) have help ensuring the colorbar was not overflowing below the graph. This is what I get when I’m inserting these line in my code : Plot I get with the lines of @JohanC

Then, by working on the code by my self, I realized that in order to have the dots in different colors depending on the temperature, I could ‘simply’ remove the line cmap = and, change in the scatter function (scatter1=) the value to temp: scatter1=ax[1].scatter(longitude,latitude,c=temp,s=20)

Thus, I get exactly what I wanted : The final result !

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