I am trying to merge multiple dataframes using pd.merge_asof
They all contain 2 columns with datetime as index column and a variable column with floating values. They are not balanced in their indexes and times so I have to normalize the values.
Date value1
2021-10-22 19:22:25 23.5
2021-10-22 19:22:40 23.4
2021-10-22 19:22:55 23.5
2021-10-22 19:30:12 23.6
2021-10-22 19:30:42 23.5
Date value2
2021-10-22 19:22:25 12
2021-10-22 19:22:40 12
2021-10-22 19:22:55 12
2021-10-22 19:30:12 16
2021-10-22 19:30:42 16
I can succesfully merge the dfs and normalize the values like this using
merged = pd.merge_asof(data_frames[0],data_frames[1], left_index=True,right_index=True,direction='nearest')
Date value1 value2
2021-10-22 19:22:25 23.5 12
2021-10-22 19:22:40 23.4 12
2021-10-22 19:22:55 23.5 12
2021-10-22 19:30:12 23.6 16
2021-10-22 19:30:42 23.5 16
Now what I want to do is to merge more than 2 dataframes. I tried doing this:
merged = pd.merge_asof(data_frames[0],data_frames[1],data_frames[2],left_index=True,right_index=True,direction='nearest')
but I am getting the error
pandas.errors.MergeError: Can only pass argument "on" OR "left_index" and "right_index", not a combination of both.
I am not sure what it is indicating. I removed the one of the index arguments and it still said the same thing. Any way I can get what I need to do?
I want to be able to append dataframe3 which has value3 column to the right of value2 column.
According to the documentation, merge_asof can only accept two dataframes, the error is caused because in the third argument of the function it expects some other parameter.
As @Quang Hoang mentions you can use the reduce
function to apply a two-parameter function cumulatively. The way in your case would be:
merged = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge_asof(left, right,left_index=True,right_index=True, direction='nearest'), data_frames)