I have found many questions that have helped me get to where I am at now, but am stuck moving forward.
End goal: I have ~1500 audio files with meaningless names (each 9 characters long and a mix of numbers and letters; i.e. 4a96det8g). I have a table with the meaningless name in one column and a useful name in a second column (for example: Getting There). I want to rename all files to the useful name that coincides with the meaningless names, and then keep whatever extension is on each file (there is a mix of .m4a and .mp4).
Where I am at in Python: I have split the table in 2 different CSV files, and loaded them into IDLE as lists: ID_List (meaningless names) and Names_List (useful list). I have not sort the lists in Python, so each index is applicable to the same index in the other list.
Here is the code I have so far:
for i in ID_List:
for file in os.listdir("/Volumes/2TB Portabl/Audios copy 2"):
oldtext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
os.rename(file, Names_List[i] + oldtext)
The error I am getting is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#30>", line 3, in <module>
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
So somewhere I am needing to force the return from ID_List to be a string??? Or maybe there is an easier way to do this all together?
You iterate through the values in the list, not the index. That’s why TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
occurs. Try to iterate by the index.
for i in range(len(ID_List)):
for file in os.listdir("/Volumes/2TB Portabl/Audios copy 2"):
oldtext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
os.rename(file, Names_List[i] + oldtext)