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How to get selectors with dynamic part inside using Selenium with Python?

My application has a lot of selectors that have a dynamic ID inside. When that dynamic ID is at the end of the selector, I use [id^='staticPart'] inside of every selector. For example:

#tab-10 > svg > tspan


[id^='tab-'] > svg > tspan

I works perfectly, but I can’t figure out what to do with selectors like this:


where 0 is a dynamic number and everything else is static. I am trying the following, but I get an invalid selector error:




To identify an element with dynamic id e.g. #tab-t0-1 where 0 is a dynamic number and everything else is static you can use cssSelector with the following wildcards :

  • ^ : To indicate an attribute value starts with

  • $ : To indicate an attribute value ends with

So the most granular locator would include the strategy to lookout for the initial letters i.e. tab-t and the ending letters i.e. -1 and should be :



You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in:
