I want to change the ordering of legend in my boxplot from 1-12, or perhaps even renaming them to Jan, Feb, etc. Any idea how could I do it?
def make_box_plot(data, xdata, ydata, title, legend): fig = px.box(data, x= xdata, y= ydata, color= xdata) fig.update_layout( title= title, xaxis_tickfont_size=14, xaxis=dict( title='Date', ), yaxis=dict( title='Sales', titlefont_size=16, tickfont_size=14, ), legend=dict( x=0.995, y=0.98, bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', bordercolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', traceorder= 'grouped' ), showlegend= legend ) fig.show()
is plotting your data in the order that it’s reading through your DataFrame df
, so you can pass a sorted DataFrame to px.box instead:
fig = px.box(data.sort_values(by=['month']), x= xdata, y= ydata, color= xdata)
If you want the names of the months, you can create a new column in your DataFrame by mapping the 'month'
column to its respective abbreviation such as 'Jan', 'Feb',...
import calendar df['month_name'] = df['month'].apply(lambda x: calendar.month_abbr[x])
Then passing 'month_name'
instead of 'month'
to your make_box_plot
function should create a chart with the month_name as legend entries:
make_box_plot(df, 'month_name', 'Sales', 'Cool Title', True)