Say I have a list of 50 random numbers. I want to group the numbers in a way that each subset has a min-max gap less than a cutoff 0.05. Below is my code.
import random def cluster(data, cutoff): data.sort() res = [] old_x = -10. for x in data: if abs(x - old_x) > cutoff: res.append([x]) else: res[-1].append(x) old_x = x return res cutoff = 0.05 data = [random.random() for _ in range(50)] res = cluster(data, cutoff)
Check if all subsets have min-max gaps less than the cutoff:
print(all([(max(s) - min(s)) < cutoff for s in res]))
Obviously my code is not working. Any suggestions?
Following @j_random_hacker’s answer, I simply change my code to
def cluster(data, cutoff): data.sort() res = [] old_x = -10. for x in data: if abs(x - old_x) > cutoff: res.append([x]) old_x = x else: res[-1].append(x) return res
Now it is working as expected
>>> print(all([(max(s) - min(s)) < cutoff for s in res])) True