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Getting word count of doc/docx files in R

I have a stream of doc/docx documents that I need to get the word count of.

The procedure so far is to manually open the document and write down the word count offered by MS Word itself, and I am trying to automate it using R.

This is what I tried:

myDocx = read_docx(myDocxFile)
docText = str_c(myDocx , collapse = " ")
wordCount = str_count(test, "\s+") + 1

Unfortunately, wordCount is NOT what MS Word suggests.

For example, I noticed that MS Word counts the numbers in numbered lists, whereas textreadr does not even import them.

Is there a workaround? I don’t mind trying something in Python, too, although I’m less experienced there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I tried reading the docx files with a different library (the officer) and, even though it doesn’t agree 100%, it does significantly better this time.

Another small fix would be to copy MS Word’s strategy on what is a Word and what isn’t. The naive method of counting all spaces can be improved by ignoring the “En Dash” (U+2013) character as well.

Here is my improved function:

getDocxWordCount = function(docxFile) {

    docxObject = officer::read_docx(docxFile)
    myFixedText =[nchar(str_trim(text)) > 1, str_trim(text)]
    wordBd = sapply(as.list(myFixedText), function(z) 1 + str_count(z, "\s+([u{2013}]\s+)?"))


This still has a weakness that prevents 100% accuracy: The officer library doesn’t read list separators (like bullets or hyphens), but MS Word considers those as words. So in any list, this function currently returns X words less where X is the number of listed items. I haven’t experimented too much with the attributes of the docxObject, but if it somehow holds the number of listed items, then a definite improvement can be made.
