I have two sets of multipolygons. I want to select one polygon from one dataset (by using the matplotlib click event which works) and then select all polygons from the second dataset that intersect with it. When I plot the datasets they clearly overlap (see below) but my intersection always returns False.
The datasets look like this:
I select one of the red polygons using a click event which I have simulated here:
Dataset1 = gpd.read_file('Datafile_1.gpkg')
Dataset1_sub = Dataset1[Dataset1['ID']==15000]
This returns:
(17795, 73)
14999 19 15000
[1 rows x 74 columns]
But when I try intersecting with my second dataset (black boxes) like this:
Dataset2 = gpd.read('Datafile_2.gpkg')
Dataset2_sub = Dataset2.intersects(Dataset1_sub)
this returns False for all records of Dataset 2, but shouldn’t at least one of them be True?:
0 False
1 False
2 False
3 False
4 False
480 False
481 False
482 False
483 False
5162 False
dtype: bool
I do get the warning:
UserWarning: The indices of the two GeoSeries are different.
warn("The indices of the two GeoSeries are different.")
but I don’t know if this is causing this. I’m effectively trying to intersect a df with one row with another df with lots of rows to end up with intersecting polygons only. Am I Missing something?
You do not select one polygon but one row of the GeoDataFrame. Therefore you are using an intersects
on a Series, not a Polygon. As shown in the documentation, geopandas aligns those series and do row-wise 1:1 operation. You need to pass a shapely.geometry
if you want to check all rows against a single geometry.
# this is shapely.geometry.Polygon
geom = Dataset1.loc[Dataset1['ID'] == 15000, 'geometry'].iloc[0]