I’ve been trying to send data from flask over socket io. I need to access this data from a different origin, but it is giving a CORS error. I have tried using all kinds of cross origin stuff and none of it has worked. Can somebody help with this.
The view that should be called thought socket io:
from flask.ext.cors import cross_origin @socketio.on('increment',namespace="/api") @cross_origin() def increment(message): number += 1; emit('number',{'data':number},broadcast=True)
Running the server:
app = Flask(__name__) cors = CORS(app,resources={r"/api/*":{"origins":"*"}}) socketio = SocketIO(app) app.debug = True app.host = '' socketio.run(app)
I solved by following:
socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*")