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find nested boxes from huge dataset with geopandas (or other tools)

Basically I have DataFrame with a huge amount of boxes which are defined with xmin ymin xmax ymax tuples.

    xmin    ymin    xmax    ymax
0   66      88      130     151
1   143     390     236     468
2   77      331     143     423
3   289     112     337     157
4   343     282     405     352

My task is to remove all nested boxes. (I.e. any box which is within another box has to be removed)

My current method:

  • construct GeoDataFrame with box geometry
  • sort by box size (descending)
  • iteratively find smaller boxes within a larger box.


def remove_nested_bbox(df):
  # make an extra unique 'id'
  df['__id'] = range(0, len(df))
  # create geometry
  df['__geometry'] = df.apply(lambda x:, x.ymin, x.xmax, x.ymax), axis=1)
  gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry='__geometry')
  # sort by area
  gdf['__area'] = gdf.__geometry.area
  gdf.sort_values('__area', ascending=False, inplace=True)

  nested_id = set()
  for iloc in range(len(gdf)):
    # skip aready identifed one
    if gdf.iloc[iloc]['__id'] in nested_id:
    bbox  = gdf.iloc[iloc]    # current target larger bbox
    tests = gdf.iloc[iloc+1:] # all bboxes smaller than the urrent target 
    tests = tests[~tests['__id'].isin(nested_id)] # skip aready identifed one
    nested = tests[tests['__geometry'].within(bbox['__geometry'])]
  df = df[~df['__id'].isin(nested_id)]
  del df['__id']
  del df['__geometry']
  del df['__area']
  return df

Is there any better way to optimize the task to make it faster? The current method is pretty slow to handle large dataset.

I would also consider other methods such as implementing in C or CUDA.



  • your sample data is not large and has no instances of boxes within boxes. Have generated some randomly
  • have used approach of using loc checking dimensions are bigger
  • not sure if this is faster than your approach, timing details
%timeit gdf["within"] = gdf.apply(within, args=(gdf,), axis=1)
print(f"""number of polygons: {len(gdf)}
number kept: {len(gdf.loc[lambda d: ~d["within"]])}
2.37 s ± 118 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
number of polygons: 2503
number kept: 241


enter image description here

full code

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import io
import shapely

df = pd.read_csv(
        """    xmin    ymin    xmax    ymax
0   66      88      130     151
1   143     390     236     468
2   77      331     143     423
3   289     112     337     157
4   343     282     405     352"""

# randomly generate some boxes, check they are valid
df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randint(1, 200, [10000, 4]), columns=["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]
).loc[lambda d: (d["xmax"] > d["xmin"]) & (d["ymax"] > d["ymin"])]

gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    df, geometry=df.apply(lambda r:*r), axis=1)

gdf.plot(edgecolor="black", alpha=0.6)

# somewhat optimised by limiting polygons that are considered by looking at dimensions
def within(r, gdf):
    for g in gdf.loc[
        ~(gdf.index ==
        & gdf["xmin"].lt(r["xmin"])
        & gdf["ymin"].lt(r["ymin"])
        & gdf["xmax"].gt(r["xmax"])
        & gdf["ymax"].gt(r["ymax"]),
        if r["geometry"].within(g):
            return True
    return False

gdf["within"] = gdf.apply(within, args=(gdf, ), axis=1)

gdf.loc[lambda d: ~d["within"]].plot(edgecolor="black", alpha=0.6)

approach 2

  • using sample data you provided on kaggle
  • this returns in about half the time (5s) compared to previous version
  • concept is similar, a box is within another box if xmin & ymin are greater than that of another box and max & ymax are less
import functools

df = pd.read_csv("")

def within_np(df):
    d = {}
    for c in df.columns[0:4]:
        a = np.tile(df[c].values.T ,(len(df),1))
        d[c] = a.T > a if c[1:] == "min" else a.T < a

    aa = functools.reduce(np.logical_and, (aa for aa in d.values()))
    return aa.sum(axis=1)>0

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