I’m new to python, an I decided to write a simple password manager to learn. I’m having trouble retrieving one of the values out of the dictionary. The function add_password write a key with 2 values (user, and password (encrypted))
And the function get_password read the key and supposed to get the values. I can’t get it to pull the value of user. I have tried multiple methods, but so far no luck.
import base64 import os import string import random from unittest import TestCase from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC characters = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "!@#$%^&*()") site = "" user = "" password = "" password_file = {} encrypted = "" # Generate key for encryption def generate_key(): password = input ("Enter password: ") password = bytes(password, 'utf-8') salt = b'xceNx01sxabEx15x02xd9pz(1txbc4' kdf = PBKDF2HMAC( algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=32, salt=salt, iterations=390000, ) global key key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(password)) # Check for the encryption key hash file exists and validate if the key is the same if os.path.exists('password.hash'): with open('password.hash', 'rb') as f: key_validation = f.read() if key_validation == key: print("What would you like to do: ") menu() else: print("Wrong password ") exit # If key hash file doesnt exist it create the file and write the encryption key hash to it else: with open('password.hash', 'wb') as f: f.write(key) with open('password.encode', 'wb') as f: print("What would you like to do: ") menu() # Randon password generator def generate_password(): length = int(16) random.shuffle(characters) random_password = [] for i in range(length): random_password.append(random.choice(characters)) random.shuffle(random_password) random_password = ("".join(random_password)) print(random_password) # Write a new password to the pasword file def add_password(site, user, password_site): password_file[site] = password_site with open('password.encode', 'a+') as f: encrypted = Fernet(key).encrypt(password_site.encode()) f.write(site + " " + user + ":" + encrypted.decode() + "n") # Read password file and get the password def get_password(site): with open('password.encode', 'r') as f: for line in f: site, encrypted = line. split (":") password_file[site] = Fernet(key).decrypt(encrypted.encode()).decode() return password_file[site] # Check for all files. def main(): if os.path.exists('password.hash') & os.path.exists('password.encode'): print ("Welcome Back!") generate_key() else: print (""" Welcome! Create password""") generate_key() # Menu of options def menu(): print(""" (1) Generate random password (2) Add new password (3) Get login information (q) Quit""") done = False while not done: choice = input("Enter choice: ") if choice == "1": generate_password() elif choice == "2": site = input("Enter the site: ") user = input("Enter User: ") password = input("Enter the password: ") add_password(site, user, password) elif choice == "3": site = input("Enter site: ") print(f"Your login information for {site} is ({get_password(site)})") elif choice == "q": done = True print("Bye!") else: print("Invalid Choice") if __name__== "__main__": main()
If you change you get_password
function to:
def get_password(site): with open('password.encode', 'r') as f: for line in f: site, encrypted = line.split (":") site, user = site.split() password_file[site] = (user, Fernet(key).decrypt(encrypted.encode()).decode()) return password_file[site]
and change option 3 in your menu
elif choice == "3": site = input("Enter site: ") user, passwd = get_password(site) print(f"Your login information for {user}@{site} is ({passwd})")
You will still want to implement some error checking but that should will at least get you started.