Im trying to get all hrefs that are found the a specific class next to them. Im not really familiar with HTML so I’m having some trouble.
Basically the HTML code in inspect is:
<a class="notranslate _0imsa " title="wheneverlilith" href="/randomusername/" tabindex="0"><span class="_7UhW9 xLCgt qyrsm KV-D4 se6yk T0kll ">randomusername</span></a>
I’m using the find_elements command to find all lines that include the class “notranslate _0imsa ” like this:
links = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('notranslate _0imsa ')
I then extract all hrefs from “links” with the following command:
for link in links:
user = link.get_attribute('href')
When I try to print the lengths of “users” and “links” they all show 0.
Compound class names (one separated with spaces: notranslate _0imsa) are not permitted.
Selenium wouldn’t be able to find those elements this way.
Try this instead:
links = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//a[@class="notranslate _0imsa "]')
NOTE: you have to import By:
from import By
find_elements_by_class_name, find_element_by_xpath etc. are deprecated
Read more about compound class names in this article: Selenium compound class names not permitted