I am working on a load function that loads files containing one pandas dataframe per file (or even better one np array). I.e. I am loading a .csv file and I want to link it to only one array variable.
This function takes as input one dictionary containing the name I want (as key) the variable to take and the name+path of the comma separated file (as value).
Here is an example of what an input of this function should look like:
d = {'XLF' : 'X4_2_LF.csv', 'XHF' : 'X4_2_HF.csv',
'yLF' : 'y4_4_LF.csv', 'yHF' : 'y4_4_HF.csv'}
With this function I would like to load those 4 files and return as output either the single array variables XLF, XHF, yLF, yHF or a single dictionary (or something like that) containing those variables.
I successfully loaded those files but I don’t know how to return them as outputs, given that I could have a variable number of elements in the input dict.
This is what I’ve come up to:
def load_data_dic(d):
path = os.getcwd() + '\results\data\'
out = {}
for key, val in d.items():
nm = path + val
locals()[key] = pd.read_csv(nm, index_col = 0).to_numpy()
return out #don't know how to fill it!
Don’t mess with locals() unless you’re absolutely sure you know what you’re doing.
IIUC this is what you need:
def load_data_dic(d):
path = os.getcwd() + '\results\data\'
out = {}
for key, val in d.items():
nm = path + val
out[key] = pd.read_csv(nm, index_col = 0).to_numpy()
return out