Consider the bash script below. The script is an argparse script with various variables.
python -u
--is_training 3
--root_path ./dataset/
--data_path data.csv
How would I convert this bash script to a python script so that I could run it in a python IDE with the various variables?
This bash
python -u
--is_training 3
--root_path ./dataset/
--data_path data.csv
should produce a sys.argv
that looks like
['', '--is_training', '3', '--root_path ./dataset/','--data_path', 'data.csv', '-/test_$seq_len'_'196.log']
that’s a rough guess; bash may be handling the slashes different (I’m on a windows machine now).
“running in an IDE” is a vague request.
Some IDE have a run
menu item, and a way of specifying commandline arguments (usually in a separate menu setup item).
If you have code that setups up a parser:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( )
the line
args = parser.parse_args()
reads that sys.argv[1:]
and parses it. So an alternative way to use the parser is to provide the equivalent list of strings directly:
argv = ['--is_training','3', ]
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
If you can modify the script, you could add a couple of displays
import sys
and after the parse_args
will be a argparse.Namespace
object that should display like
Namespace(is_training=3, root_path='./dataset/', data_path='data.csv', )
is a dict
with the same keys and values
Any python object with the same attributes should be have the same as args
in the rest of your code.
I have a feeling this answer is too long and detailed – because of the vagueness of the question.