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Category: Questions

Dropdown list issues

I’ve also been trying to set a default value in a dropdown box on HTML from the data I retrieved from MySQL. However, I noticed that if the user did not click on the dropdown box and clicked on one item from it. In other words, if they assumed the displayed value is the value they would like to submit

Haskell extremely slow simple recurrence

I’m experimenting with Haskell profiling with a simple recursive max algorithm: When I compare it to a python imperative equivalent, I get a 10x speed factor in favor of python: It seems there is an inherent limitation of using tail recursion in the Haskell case, am I right? Any other way to make the Haskell code faster? The input file

Pandas – Repeat row if found in list and count

Need help in repeating rows if found in list. If found value in list increment count If more than one instance found then repeat the row by incrementing count Dataframe: Df looks like: Input list: In need output like: Tried something like this to get first matching index so I can repeat the row but not sure how to do

Print key value pairs from a dictionary

I want to pretty-print the key-value pairs of a dictionary. I have the following code: This is what my code currently produces: But I want: How do I make this happen? Answer Consider using len() to balance out the number of dots

Two unicode encodings represent 1 cyrillic letter

I have such string in unicode and utf-8 representation: and The desired ouput is “Если повезет то сегодня уже скину”. I have tried all possible encodings but still wasn’t able to get it in complete cyrillic form. The best I got was using windows-1252. And also I’ve noticed that one cyrillic letter in desired string means two unicode encodings. For

Select a string which has given value on a particular position

I have a ndarray which looks like this example: I need to pick values from the second column, whose corresponding values in the first column matches particular criteria. Example criteria: second and third position of the string (in first column) are equal to zero. If this is true, take a copy of the corresponding values in the second column and
