I am improving this code to a student, here is the image:
So I rewrite this using list compreenssion and oriented to a formal class, so the second question is: Can I improve yet more this code?
class aluno(): def __init__(self): # cria uma lista de alunos self.id = 0 self.alunos = {} def adiciona_aluno(self, name, info=None): # cria um novo aluno com o id incremental self.alunos[self.id] = { 'name':name, 'matricula':self.id, 'info': info if info else "Sem informação" } self.id += 1 def view(self,id): #visualiza um aluno no formato especificado aluno = self.alunos[id] print(f'({aluno["matricula"]}) Nome:{aluno["name"]} - Info:{aluno["info"]}') def view_all(self): # itera em todos os alunos [self.view(aluno) for aluno in self.alunos] def main(): lista_de_alunos = aluno() lista_de_alunos.adiciona_aluno("Franz") lista_de_alunos.adiciona_aluno("Pedro", "Aluno exemplar em amatematica") lista_de_alunos.view_all() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Yes you can improve your code to be more “Object Oriented”.
It doesn’t make sence that Aluno contains a list, Aluno should represent a single student instance.
Below is a sample code. Note that my sample code can be improved, you can, for instances, add a Person class that stores common attributes to Student and Professor class, like birth date, id, etc.
class Aluno: _id = 0 def __init__(self, name: str, age: int): self.name = name self.age = age self.id = Aluno._id Aluno._id += 1 def __cmp__(self, other): return self.id == other.id def __str__(self): return f"- ID: {self.id}; - Name {self.name}; - Age: {self.age};" class Professor(Aluno): def __init__(self, name: str, age: int, wage: float): super().__init__(name=name, age=age) self.wage = wage class Turma: def __init__(self, year: int, letter: str, director: Professor, alunos: list = None): if alunos is None: alunos = [] self.year = year self.letter = letter self.director = director self.alunos = alunos def add_aluno(self, aluno): # TODO Check if the aluno alerady exists (or work with a set) self.alunos.append(aluno) def remove_aluno(self, aluno): # TODO Check if the aluno can be removed self.alunos.remove(aluno) def __str__(self): _str = f"{self.year}{self.letter}n" f"* Director:n" f"- {self.director}n" f"* Alunos:n" for aluno in self.alunos: _str += str(aluno)+"n" return _str if __name__ == "__main__": aluno1 = Aluno(name="Foo Bar", age=18) aluno2 = Aluno(name="Joe", age=16) prof = Professor(name="Dr. Phill", age=54, wage=1256) turma = Turma(year=10, letter="C", director=prof, alunos=[aluno1]) turma.add_aluno(aluno2) print(f"ALUNO 1: {aluno1}") print(f"ALUNO 2: {aluno2}") print(f"PROFESSOR: {prof}") print(f"TURMA: {turma}") turma.remove_aluno(aluno2) print(f"TURMA: {turma}")
ALUNO 1: - ID: 0; - Name Foo Bar; - Age: 18; ALUNO 2: - ID: 1; - Name Joe; - Age: 16; PROFESSOR: - ID: 2; - Name Dr. Phill; - Age: 54; TURMA: 10C * Director: - - ID: 2; - Name Dr. Phill; - Age: 54; * Alunos: - ID: 0; - Name Foo Bar; - Age: 18; - ID: 1; - Name Joe; - Age: 16; TURMA: 10C * Director: - - ID: 2; - Name Dr. Phill; - Age: 54; * Alunos: - ID: 0; - Name Foo Bar; - Age: 18;