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API Requests throwing a 404 error due to bad URL, URL is being changed automatically, what is going on?

I’m having an API pull an ID then use that ID to finish a URL for an API request.

def get_id(hostname,  headers, verbose):
    id_query = {'name': hostname}
    id_response = requests.get(url = "/api/", headers = headers, verify = False, timeout=120, params=id_query)
    id_status = id_response.status_code
    id_payload = id_response.json()
    id = id_payload["results"][0]["id"]
    return id

url = f"{id}"

When the URL is tried in my API request I get an HTTP 404 error, when I print url I get a (id,) added to the end of the URL instead of just the ID. Example if I had the ID as 1,)

When I print just the variable, print(id) I get just the number value, no added (number,). What is going on here? I also tried using .format() with no change.



The url parameter in the requests.get call is probably incorrect – an API endpoint rarely ends in a forward slash.
