I am trying to add two custom arrows with labels in a seaborn relplot graph. I tried using the matplot arrow function which is not working because the seaborne relplot is a “facetgrid”. I did not see a specific arrow pointer function in seaborn docu. I want to draw an arrow at a specific x value between the y values of two benchmarks (b1 b2 in example)
Is there an easy way to do this? I added a simple code example, data and 2 images of what i try to achieve.
import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gc import sys if __name__ == '__main__': pfad = sys.argv[1] label = 'test' df1 = pd.read_csv(pfad, sep=';') sns_plot = sns.relplot(x="selectivity", ci=None, y="throughput", hue='benchmark', kind="line", data=df1, dashes=False, markers=True, style="benchmark") sns_plot.savefig(label + ".png") plt.savefig(label + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.show()
DATASET (example.csv in same folder)
benchmark;selectivity;throughput b1;0.01;1426.89 b2;0.01;531.434 b1;0.03;826.89 b2;0.03;531.434 b1;0.05;626.89 b2;0.05;520.434
Currently my Graph looks like this:
This is what I want to achieve:
As mentioned in the comments, I flattened the axes, got the values from the line chart, and added text annotations and arrows respectively.
if __name__ == '__main__': pfad = sys.argv[1] label = 'test' df1 = pd.read_csv(pfad, sep=';') sns_plot = sns.relplot(x="selectivity", ci=None, y="throughput", hue='benchmark', kind="line", data=df1, dashes=False, markers=True, style="benchmark") xydata = [] for ax in sns_plot.axes.flat: for li in ax.lines: xydata.append(li.get_xydata()) ax.text(xydata[0][0][0]+0.001, (xydata[0][0][1]+xydata[1][0][1])/2, '2.5X speedup') ax.text(xydata[1][2][0]+0.001, (xydata[0][2][1]+xydata[1][2][1])/2, '1.3X speedup') ax.annotate('', xy=(xydata[0][0][0], xydata[0][0][1]), xytext=(xydata[0][0][0], xydata[1][0][1]), xycoords='data', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black',width=2.0,headwidth=7.0,headlength=7.0,shrink=0.01)) ax.annotate('', xy=(xydata[1][2][0], xydata[0][2][1]), xytext=(xydata[1][2][0], xydata[1][2][1]), xycoords='data', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black',width=2.0,headwidth=7.0,headlength=7.0,shrink=0.01)) #sns_plot.savefig(label + ".png") #plt.savefig(label + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.show()