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How to stop a method being called when accesing its attributes like return values

The question is the following: How to stop a method being called when its attributes are, in fact, return values, that are necessary in another method, of another class.

This is how the program was written:

class S1():

      def __init__(self):

      def m2(self):
         #some values

      def m3(self):

      def m4(self):
           #some values

      def m5(self):

           n = int(input('Enter the number of games to simulate: '))

           prob = int(input('Enter the prob. for the player to win first game: '))

           #some values to calculate the probability

           return p, n

class S2(S1):

       def __init__(self):

       def m6(self):
            print('This program simulates a game')

       def m7(self):     

            print('Games simulated: ', S1().m5()[1])
            print('Points for 1st player: ', S1().m5()[0])

var1 = S1()

Calling var1.m3() returns this result, which is repeating the function calls, because of the p and nattributes that are retrieved in the method m7() through this syntax:

 print('Games simulated: ', S1().m5()[1])       #the value of n variable
 print('Points for the player: ', S1().m5()[0])   #the value of p variable

It results in this effect:

This program simulates a game

Enter the number of games to simulate:  10

Enter the prob for the player to win first game:  0.5

Enter the number of games to simulate:  10

Enter the prob for the player to win first game:  0.5

Games simulated: 10

Enter the number of games to simulate:   10

Enter the prob for the player to win first game:   0.5

Points for the player: 6

Basically, S1().m5()[1] and S1().m5()[0] calls the functions, but I wanted to retrieve the values p and n from the tuple returned by m5().

The methods are interspersed and I am having some difficulty understanding why is this happening and how to avoid this type of repetions when using class attributes.

Thanks to all!



Why not do it like this:

class S1():

      def __init__(self):

      def m2(self):
         #some values

      def m3(self):
         p, n = S1.m5()
         S2.m7(p, n)

      def m4(self):
           #some values

      def m5(self):

           n = int(input('Enter the number of games to simulate: '))

           prob = int(input('Enter the prob. for the player to win first game: '))

           #some values to calculate the probability

           return p, n

class S2(S1):

       def __init__(self):

       def m6(self):
            print('This program simulates a game')

       def m7(self, p, n):     

            print('Games simulated: ', n)
            print('Points for 1st player: ', p)

var1 = S1()

I hope I didn’t mix up p and n, but the general gist should come accross..
