I am trying to modify a line in sql file in a directory. Currently have written the code which navigates to files directory according to user input .
each sql file in that dir has these 2 lines:
--liquibase formatted sql --changeset Jack:1 runOnChange:true splitStatements:false stripComments:false
I am trying to do is loop through all files and I want to change-set every-time the script runs.
so those 2 lines will look like this :
--liquibase formatted sql --changeset Ryan:2 runOnChange:true splitStatements:false stripComments:false
The part I want to change in line is constant but the content is different for each file like in other file it will be Jie:6
I want to replace that with Priyal:7
. So the name part is the person who is running the script and the number after : is incremented
Is there a cleaner way to achieve this :
This is just sample code I have which configures path and everything :
anbpath = os.path.abspath("copy_views.py") print(anbpath) sqldir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', 'database')) path_to_views = sqldir+"/sql/edm/changes/"+source_release_version+"/mutable/view" print(path_to_views) destdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ),'..', 'database')) path_to_dest_rel_ver = destdir+"/sql/edm/changes/"+dest_release_version path_to_dest = path_to_dest_rel_ver+"/mutable/view"
I will traverse all files in path_to_dest
using os.walk
If your file is called “file.txt” and if the name
is constant then what you are looking for is
# Read the contents of file with open("file.txt", 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() #Idendify tokens and numbers with in them and increment them words = lines[1].split() tokens = words[1].split(":") words[1] = "name{0}:{1}".format(int(tokens[0][4:])+1, int(tokens[1])+1) lines[1] = ' '.join(words) # Write back the updated lines with open("file.txt", 'w') as fp: fp.writelines(lines)
Initial content of file
"--liquibase formatted sql",
"--changeset name3:21 runOnChange:true splitStatements:false stripComments:false"]
Afer modification
"--liquibase formatted sql",
"--changeset name4:22 runOnChange:true splitStatements:false stripComments:false"]
However, if the name
is not constant then we can still split the token at “:” to indentify the number after “:” but to indentify the number ending at the name we will have to use regex.