I am trying to plot a network graph which is created using networkx
. The graph is initialized using a pandas
data frame which looks like below:
source target weight 0 8386 9205 2 1 9205 8386 5 2 9205 280159 1 3 9205 365419 3 4 8386 365419 2 5 365419 9205 1 6 9205 365419 1
The python code used for this purpose looks like:
import pandas as pd import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plotly.express as px import plotly.graph_objects as go dataset = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/...") G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(dataset) pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
I consider the graph as a collection of lines and points so I use the Plotly Graph Object like below to visualize the graph:
for node in G.nodes: G.nodes[node]['pos'] = list(pos[node]) edge_trace = go.Scatter( x=[], y=[], line=dict(width=0.95, color='#dc3545'), hoverinfo='none', mode='lines') for edge in G.edges(): x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]['pos'] x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]['pos'] edge_trace['x'] += tuple([x0, x1, None]) edge_trace['y'] += tuple([y0, y1, None]) node_trace = go.Scatter( x=[], y=[], text=[], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=dict( showscale=True, colorscale='YlGnBu', reversescale=True, color=[], size=[], colorbar=dict( thickness=15, title='Node Connections', xanchor='left', titleside='right' ), line=dict(width=2)) ) for node in G.nodes(): x, y = G.nodes[node]['pos'] node_trace['x'] += tuple([x]) node_trace['y'] += tuple([y]) for node, adjacencies in enumerate(G.adjacency()): node_trace['marker']['color'] += tuple([len(adjacencies[1])]) node_trace['marker']['size'] += tuple([len(adjacencies[1])]) node_info = 'Node ID: ' + str(adjacencies[0]) + '<br>Number of Connections: ' + str(len(adjacencies[1])) node_trace['text'] += tuple([node_info]) fig = go.Figure(data=[edge_trace, node_trace], layout=go.Layout( titlefont=dict(size=12), showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', margin=dict(b=20, l=5, r=5, t=40), annotations=[dict( text="Visualization of my Graph", showarrow=False, xref="paper", yref="paper", x=0.005, y=-0.002)], xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False)))
As you see, I am trying to visualize the nodes based on both color and size where they represent the degree (number of connections) of the node. The code works fine for color but when it comes to size, two different things happen:
- Sometimes, I get the following error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: ‘int’ and ‘tuple’
- Other times, I get a result like the picture below where the nodes are hidden (Their sizes are not set or are set to zero).
What I really want is something like the picture below where the node sizes are also representing the degree.
How can I solve this? Should I change this line of code node_trace['marker']['size'] += tuple([len(adjacencies[1])])
Your code is doing what you want. The node size is too small to see the differences. Multiply the size with some number to see the difference:
... node_trace['marker']['size'] += tuple([len(adjacencies[1])*100]) ...