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Use list items as column seperators pd.read_fwf

I have text files containing tables which I want to put into a dataframe. Per file the column headers are the same, but the width is different depending on the content (because they contain names of different lengths for example).

So far I managed to get the index of the first character of the header, so I know where the column separation should be. As all files (about 100) have different widths I want to be able to insert this list in order to create a dataframe with the correct column width.

This is what the first two rows look like:

!Column1        !Column2     !Column3       !Column4     !Column5                  
Company with a  $1,000,000   Yes            Jack, Hank   X
Company with.   $2,000       No             Rita, Hannah X
another name

What I tried so far:


pandas pd.read_fwf(‘file.txt’, colspec(()) – This does work, but with colspec I have to put in the (from, start) indexes for each column. Not only would this be burdensome manually, but some files have 12 columns while others have 10.


pandas pd.read_fwf(‘file.txt’, widhts(list)) – Here I can easily insert the list with locations of the column separations, but it does not seem to create a separation at those indexes. I do not exactly understand what is does.


I currently have a list of indexes of all the exclamation marks:

list = [0, 17, 30, 45, 58]

How can I use this list and separate the columns to convert the .txt file into a DataFrame?

Any other way to solve this issue is more than welcome!



So what you can do is standardize the spacing with regex.

import re
string = "something    something  something  more"
results = re.sub("(W+)", "|", string)

That returns


If you have standardized the delimiters, you can load it with fwf or just read_csv.


In order to derive the span of the header that is delimited with a exclamation mark ! you can use the re library too. The logic of the pattern is that the sequence has to start with ! and then is followed up by many non-!. The next group would inherently start with a !. In code it would look something like this:

example_txt = """!Column1        !Column2     !Column3       !Column4     !Column5                  
Company with a  $1,000,000   Yes            Jack, Hank   X
Company with.   $2,000       No             Rita, Hannah X
another name"""

first_line = example_txt.split("n")[0]

import re 

indexes = []
p = re.compile("![^!]*")
for m in p.finditer(first_line):


Which returns

[(0, 16), (16, 29), (29, 44), (44, 57), (57, 83)]

This should bring you close to what you need for fwf method of pandas. Not that indexing in python starts at 0 and that if the end-index doesn’t count. So if you index from [0:16] then you would get the 0th to 15th element (not including the 16th element), returning 16 elements in total. The index can therefore be directly applied.

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