If I want to calculate the mean of two categories in Pandas, I can do it like this:
data = {'Category': ['cat2','cat1','cat2','cat1','cat2','cat1','cat2','cat1','cat1','cat1','cat2'], 'values': [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,5,1]} my_data = DataFrame(data) my_data.groupby('Category').mean() Category: values: cat1 2.666667 cat2 1.600000
I have a lot of data formatted this way, and now I need to do a T-test to see if the mean of cat1 and cat2 are statistically different. How can I do that?
it depends what sort of t-test you want to do (one sided or two sided dependent or independent) but it should be as simple as:
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind cat1 = my_data[my_data['Category']=='cat1'] cat2 = my_data[my_data['Category']=='cat2'] ttest_ind(cat1['values'], cat2['values']) >>> (1.4927289925706944, 0.16970867501294376)
it returns a tuple with the t-statistic & the p-value
see here for other t-tests http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/stats.html