I had an interview recently and was asked to solve the following problem using Python:
Write a function:
def solution(A):
such that, given an array A
consisting of N integers, it returns the maximum among all one-digit integers.
For example, given array A as follows:
[-6, -91, 1011, -100, 84, -22, 0, 1, 473]
the function should return 1.
Assume that:
- N is an integer within the range [1…1,000]
- Each element of array
is an integer within the range [-10,000..10,000]. - There is at least one element in array
which satisfies the condition in the task statement.
I came up with the following solution which I thought was elegant, but the score I got was only 55%:
def solution(A):
return max([i for i in A if len(str(i))==1])
Why is this solution incorrect?
Here is a solution that ticks more points in my book.
def solution(integers):
"""Return max single digit integer in sequence `integers`"""
return max(i for i in integers if -9 <= i <= 9)
except ValueError:
return ValueError("Could not find single digit integer in list")
print(solution([-6, -91, 1011, -100, 84, -22, 0, 1, 473]))
It uses a descriptive parameter name, has a comment, does a simple comparison for digit size and uses a generator with the built in function max
instead of the needless list. It also reraises the most expected fault with a more topical error message. This function is easier to maintain and use.