Why can’t I import selenium?
My text is looking like this in Visual Studio code:
I have not always had this problem. The problem occurred after I switched to Windows 11 where the c-drive was deleted.
Do someone out there know how to fix it?
I’m using Windows 11.
Try C:> py -m ensurepip --upgrade
If you install Python correctly it’ll fix your problem with pip.
Or download script from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and run C:> py get-pip.py
Read official site Installation – pip
After that try to run pip install -U selenium
(-U to upgrade it if it exsists)
If it didn’t help then download official archive from here and then run command python setup.py install
If that didn’t work try to pip uninstall selenium
reboot your PC and do it again. Hope it works