I’m getting curly brackets around the text in my label widget. The output is {Total tries: 0}
instead of Total tries: 0
Here is a short version of my code:
class Cell: def check(self): mem.tries += 1 mem.update_tries() class Memory(Frame): def __init__(self, master): super(Memory, self).__init__(master) self.grid() self.create_widgets() self.tries = 0 def create_widgets(self): self.label = Label(self) self.label["text"] = "Total tries: 0", self.label["font"] = ("Helvetica", 11, "italic") self.label.grid(row = 7, columnspan = 7, pady = 5) def update_tries(self): self.label["text"] = "Total tries: " + str(self.tries) root = Tk() root.title("Memory") root.geometry("365x355") mem = Memory(root) root.mainloop()
self.label["text"] = "Total tries: 0",
There is a comma at the end of the line. The comma changes the value being assigned to self.label["text"]
from a string to a tuple. Remove the comma, and the curly braces get removed.