I am creating an API using Flask-RESTful, and am attempting to make a resource that returns all items in a database that are like a user defined string.
The endpoint for this resource is defined as:
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(ItemsList, '/privateapi/item?query=<string:tag>')
And the resource itself is:
class ItemsList(Resource):
def get(self, tag):
search = f"%{tag}%"
items = ItemModel.query.filter(ItemModel.item_name.like(search)).all()
return {"items": [item.json() for item in items]}
The problem is that when I send a GET request to the endpoint
I get a 404
When I change the endpoint to api.add_resource(ItemsList, '/privateapi/item/<string:tag>')
and then query the API I get the desired response.
However, I would prefer to use the query approach since I am not trying to GET a single record but want to return an array. I just think it makes more sense this way.
What could I try?
In flask, query parameters aren’t used to match routes (only the path part of the URL is relevant). When you write:
api.add_resource(ItemsList, '/privateapi/item?query=<string:tag>')
You have created a route that will never match (well, not exactly; see below).
You access query parameters in the request.args
value, like this:
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
class ItemsList(Resource):
def get(self):
query = request.args.get("query")
return f"Query expression was: {query}"
api.add_resource(ItemsList, "/privateapi/item")
if __name__ == "__main__":
With the above code, if I write:
I get as the response:
"Query expression was: appl"
When I said “You have created a route that will never match” this was actually a bit of lie. In fact, you have created a route that requires a literal ?
in the URL path, so if you were to make a request for this URL:
It would work, but it’s not what you want.