I’d like to the ability to run some code when the timestamp of a file has been reached (i.e. trigger an alert)
How can this be achieved?
I was looking at this https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-vl … edia-time/
However, I feel like I’m really looking for some kind of daemon (i.e. start the media file with VLC and then have this “listener” perform an action when timestamp on vlc has been reached)
I’m not opposed to pulling down the code, modifying changes to add a hook, and re-compiling to get what I need. I just need some pointers on where in the codebase this would all live.
What direction may I be pointed to to achieve this? Thanks!
You want the EventManager
class, the documentation for which can be found
here. Here’s an example of how to use it to notify you when a video stops playing.
import vlc
def callback(event, player):
print('FPS:', player.get_fps())
print('Time(ms):', player.get_time())
print('Frame:', .001 * player.get_time() * player.get_fps())
# Create new media
inst = vlc.Instance()
media = inst.media_new('path/to/video')
# Create new instance of vlc player
player = inst.media_player_new()
# Add a callback
em = player.event_manager()
callback, player)
# Load video into vlc player instance
# Play media
Edit: Could you try this code?
import vlc
def callback(player):
print('FPS:', player.get_fps())
print('Time(ms):', player.get_time())
print('Frame:', .001 * player.get_time() * player.get_fps())
# creating vlc media player object
media_player = vlc.MediaPlayer()
# media object
media = vlc.Media("src/backtalk/default/oscar.mp4")
# setting media to the media player
# start playing video
while True:
if media_player.get_state() == vlc.State.Ended: