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View Alaskan/East Siberian Side of Arctic in Cartopy

I have some points plotted on a NorthPolarStero map in Cartopy using the following code


enter image description here

But I would actually like to plot just the top half of this image, like this:

enter image description here

If I change the “`ax.set_extent“ line to either:

[90, -90, 90, 66] or [-90, 90, 90, 66]

It just gives me the bottom half of the plot, like this:

enter image description here

Does anybody know how to get the top half? I have also tried setting the central_longitude keyword of the NorthPolarStereo line to +/- 180, but it just shows the wrong half upside down.



To set extents for plotting the required area, you should use the coordinates of the projection in use ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(). The relevant code you need is: –


and you should get the plot similar to this:


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