I have a dataframe with column of datetime “Date_Begin”. I have another column “Years_to_add”. I want to calculate a third column with the “DateBegin” stepped forward by the number of years in the “years_to_add” column. I want to avoid using approximations like 365.25 in a year. I want simply add the number of years in a calendar sense (I know there will be problems with adding a year to 29 Feb).
In my version of pandas I can’t use years as timedelta (no longer supported), so I am using the DateOffset method.
I can’t get the syntax right. I have tried the following, based on suggestions from here:
df["begin_date"] + pd.DateOffset(years=int(df["years_to_add"])) df["begin_date"] + df["years_to_add"].apply(pd.DateOffset.years)
Just pass it as lambda function
df["begin_date"] + df["years_to_add"].apply(lambda y: pd.DateOffset(years=y))