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Using NearestNeighbors and word2vec to detect sentence similarity

I have calculated a word2vec model using python and gensim in my corpus.

Then I calculated the mean word2vec vector for each sentence (averaging all the vectors for all the words in the sentence) and stored it in a pandas data frame. The columns of the pandas data frame df are:

  • sentence
  • Book title (the book where the sentence comes from)
  • mean-vector (the mean of the word2vec vectors in the sentence – size 100)

I am trying to use scikit-learn NearestNeighbors to detect sentence similarity (I could probably use doc2vec instead, but one of the objectives is to compare this method against doc2vec).

This is my code:


I get the following error:


I think somehow I should iterate the vectors, to be able to calculate on a row == sentence basis the nearest neighbours of each row, but it seems this exceeds my current (limited) python skills.

This is the data of the first cell in df['mean_vector'][0]. It is a full vector size 100 averaged over the vectors of the sentence.


I have also tried to do:


But I only get the following warning:


If there is an example on github using word2vec and NearestNeighbors in a similar scenario I would love to see it.



The reason your edit is throwing an error is because sklearn expects a 2D input, with each example being in a new row. You can either use X.reshape(1, -1) or [X], the first is better practice. Without the raw data or a proper MWE it’s hard to say exactly is going wrong, but my guess is that something is going wrong with either putting the data in or out of the dataframe. Check that X.shape makes sense to you.

Below is the example I used to check everything worked for me:

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