I need help to import a script, i did 2 codes, the first is a test with some prints and in the second i try to import them:
Code 1
# I make some print's to try import and show if it works def first(): print('Test') class phrase: def second(): print('Hello') def third(): print('World')
Code 2
import os attempt = os.system(r"python C:UsersGabriPycharmProjectspythonProjectImagens.py") # Obviously isn't works =( attempt.first()
But in code 2, when i did os.system(r"python C:UsersGabriPycharmProjectspythonProjectImagens.py")
nothing happen.
Someone can help me to import this code? ;-;
1° Code is in C:UsersGabriPycharmProjectspythonProject
2° in C:UsersGabriPycharmProjectspythonProjectPráticaVamove
If you want to keep the files where they are,
You should by able to do this:
import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "name", "C:\Users\Gabri\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\Imagens.py") Imagens = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(Imagens)
And then run your commands like this: