I am trying to figure out if my scrapy tool is correctly hitting the product_link for the request callback – ‘yield scrapy.Request(product_link, callback=self.parse_new_item)’ product_link should be ‘https://www.antaira.com/products/10-100Mbps/LNX-500A’ but I have not been able to confirm if my program is jumping into the next step created so that I can retrieve the correct yield return. Thank you!
# Import the required libraries
import scrapy
# Import the Item class with fields
# mentioned int he items.py file
from ..items import AntairaItem
# Spider class name
class productJumper(scrapy.Spider):
# Name of the spider
name = 'productJumper'
# The domain to be scraped
allowed_domains = ['antaira.com']
# The URLs to be scraped from the domain
start_urls = ['https://www.antaira.com/products/10-100Mbps']
#target_url = ['https://www.antaira.com/products/10-100Mbps/LNX-500A']
# First Step: Find every div with the class 'product-container' and step into the links
def parse(self, response):
#product_link = response.urljoin(rel_product_link)
# creating items dictionary
items = AntairaItem()
rel_product_link = response.css('div.center767')
for url in rel_product_link:
rel_product_link = response.xpath('//div[@class="product-container"]//a/@href').get(),
product_link = response.urljoin('rel_product_link'),
items['rel_product_link'] = rel_product_link,
items['product_link'] = product_link
#yield items
# 2nd Step: Return a list of the all products-links that will be scrapped
#yield {
# take the first relative product link
# 'rel_product_link' : rel_product_link,
# 'product_link' : product_link,
yield scrapy.Request(product_link, callback=self.parse_new_item)
# Final Step: Run through each product and Yield the results
def parse_new_item(self, response):
for product in response.css('main.products'):
name = product.css(('h1.product-name::text').strip(' tnr')).get()
features = product.css('section.features h3 + ul').getall()
overview = product.css('.products .product-overview::text').getall()
main_image = product.css('div.selectors img::attr(src)').get()
rel_links = product.xpath("//script/@src[contains(., '/app/site/hosting/scriptlet.nl')]").getall()
items['name'] = name,
items['features'] = features,
items['overview'] = overview,
items['main_image'] = main_image,
items['rel_links'] = rel_links,
yield items
You have a couple of issues:
scrapy items are essentially dictionaries and are therefore mutable. You need to create a unique item for each and every yield statement.
your second parse callback is referencing a variable items that it doesn’t have access too because it was defined in your first parse callback.
In your urljoin method you are using a string literal instead of a variable for
In the example below I fixed those issues and made some additional notes
import scrapy
from ..items import AntairaItem
class ProductJumper(scrapy.Spider): # classes should be TitleCase
name = 'productJumper'
allowed_domains = ['antaira.com']
start_urls = ['https://www.antaira.com/products/10-100Mbps']
def parse(self, response):
# iterate through each of the relative urls
for url in response.xpath('//div[@class="product-container"]//a/@href').getall():
product_link = response.urljoin(url) # use variable
yield scrapy.Request(product_link, callback=self.parse_new_item)
def parse_new_item(self, response):
for product in response.css('main.products'):
items = AntairaItem() # Unique item for each iteration
items['product_link'] = response.url # get the product link from response
name = product.css(('h1.product-name::text').get().strip()
features = product.css('section.features h3 + ul').getall()
overview = product.css('.products .product-overview::text').getall()
main_image = product.css('div.selectors img::attr(src)').get()
rel_links = product.xpath("//script/@src[contains(., '/app/site/hosting/scriptlet.nl')]").getall()
items['name'] = name,
items['features'] = features,
items['overview'] = overview,
items['main_image'] = main_image,
items['rel_links'] = rel_links,
yield items