I really need help, my brain is melting because of this problem. I’ve studied python for 2 months maybe and I’m not very expert in programming. I’ve got an issue… I’m using tkinter on this program; in this small GUI I’d like to always keep updated the global variable “temp”, and its value should change everytime I click on the button. I know that mainloop() is a blocking method, so it is possible to do something like this?
import tkinter as tk class App: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.screen = tk.Tk() self.screen.geometry("400x400") self.screen.title("Modifica temperatura ambiente") self.screen.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) self.label = tk.Label(self.screen, text="ENTER TEMPERATUR VALUE", fg = "black", font = ("Calibri", 10) ) self.label.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "N", pady = 10) self.input_ = tk.Entry(self.screen) self.input_.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "WE", pady = 5, padx = 20) self.button = tk.Button(self.screen, text = "INVIA", command = self.getvalue) self.button.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "WE", pady = 5, padx = 10) def getvalue(self): self.temp = self.input_.get() temperatura_label = tk.Label(self.screen, text = "Last input value is " + self.temp + " degrees", fg = "red") temperatura_label.grid(row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "S") return self.temp app = App() temp = app.getvalue() print(temp) app.screen.mainloop()
Thank for the help!
If you want to print it in the terminal, modify your getvalue
import tkinter as tk screen = tk.Tk() screen.geometry("400x400") screen.title("Modifica temperatura ambiente") screen.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) class App: def __init__(self, master): super().__init__() self.master = master self.label = tk.Label(master, text="ENTER TEMPERATUR VALUE", fg = "black", font = ("Calibri", 10) ) self.label.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "N", pady = 10) self.input_ = tk.Entry(master) self.input_.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "WE", pady = 5, padx = 20) def getvalue(self): self.temp = self.input_.get() temperatura_label = tk.Label(self.master, text = "Last input value is " + self.temp + " degrees", fg = "red") temperatura_label.grid(row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "S") if self.temp == None: print() else: return self.temp app = App(screen) def main_loop(): global app temp = app.getvalue() print(temp) button = tk.Button(screen, text = "INVIA", command = main_loop) button.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "WE", pady = 5, padx = 10) screen.mainloop()