I am trying to create a Treeview with a lot of columns.
Here is my class that create the window with the treeview :
#coding:utf-8 import tkinter as tk from tkinter import Tk, ttk class Tableau(Tk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title("My treeview") app_width = 1050 app_height = 600 screnn_width = self.winfo_screenwidth() screnn_heigth = self.winfo_screenheight() x = (screnn_width / 2) - (app_width / 2) y = (screnn_heigth / 2) - (app_height / 2) self.geometry(f'{app_width}x{app_height}+{int(x)}+{int(y)}') #-------------------------------------------Configurer la page-------------------------------------------- self.config(background="azure") self.resizable(0,0) self.focus_force() #Ajouter un style self.style = ttk.Style() #Choisir un theme self.style.theme_use('default') #Configure treeview self.style.configure("Treeview", background="#D3D3D3", foreground="black", rowheight=25, fieldbackground="#D3D3D3") #Changer couleur self.style.map('Treeview', background=[('selected', '#347083')]) self.frame = tk.Frame(self) self.frame.pack(pady=10) self.tree_scroll_horizontal = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='horizontal') self.tree_scroll_horizontal.pack(side='bottom', fill='x' ) self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self.frame, xscrollcommand=self.tree_scroll_horizontal.set, columns=()) self.tree.pack() self.tree_scroll_horizontal.config(command=self.tree.xview) for self.k in range(50): self.param = self.tree["columns"] + (str(self.k),) self.tree.configure(columns=self.param) print(self.k) for self.j in range(50): self.tree.column(column=(str(self.k)), width=500, stretch=tk.NO) self.tree.heading(column= (str(self.k)), text=(str(self.k)), anchor=tk.W) self.tree.tag_configure('oddrow', background="white") self.tree.tag_configure('evenrow', background="lightblue") if __name__ == "__main__": app = Tableau() app.mainloop()
I have this error when I run it : TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “tuple”) to str
I know that there is a problem with my type, and the error say that this error happen here : line 57, in init self.param = self.tree[“columns”] + (str(self.k),)
To avoid this error i tried to add the str
notation but that didnt worked.
Since you create self.tree
with empty tuple as the columns
option, the return value of self.tree["columns"]
is an empty string instead of empty tuple. You can verify it by printing the type of self.tree["columns"]
after the creation of self.tree
. That’s why exception is raised on the mentioned line.
Actually you can simplify the following for loop:
for self.k in range(50): self.param = self.tree["columns"] + (str(self.k),) self.tree.configure(columns=self.param) print(self.k)
self.tree["columns"] = list(range(50))
Also I think that the for self.j in range(50)
in the following for loop
for self.j in range(50): self.tree.column(column=(str(self.k)), width=500, stretch=tk.NO) self.tree.heading(column= (str(self.k)), text=(str(self.k)), anchor=tk.W)
should be for self.k in range(50)