I have these libraries installed:
testcontainers==2.5 clickhouse-driver==0.1.0
This code:
from testcontainers.core.generic import GenericContainer from clickhouse_driver import Client def test_docker_run_clickhouse(): ch_container = GenericContainer("yandex/clickhouse-server") ch_container.with_bind_ports(9000, 9000) with ch_container as ch: client = Client(host='localhost') print(client.execute("SHOW TABLES")) if __name__ == '__main__': test_docker_run_clickhouse()
I am trying to get a generic container with clickhouse DB
But it gives me: EOFError: Unexpected EOF while reading bytes
I am using Python 3.5.2. How to fix this?
It takes some time to run a container. Add a time delay before executing operations.
import time with ch_container as ch: time.sleep(3) client = Client(host='localhost') print(client.execute("SHOW TABLES"))