I already know how to setup the custom keybord layout but so far I haven’t found a way to show different “text” on the buttons than what is send if you push it. E.g.:
kb = [ [telegram.KeyboardButton(text='/new')], [telegram.KeyboardButton(text='Edit')], ] kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(kb)`
It returns the text given and there doesnt seem to be an option to specify what should be returned/shown on screen upon clicking. Upon starting conversation with a bot it says “Start” but sends /start
, is there a way to achieve this?
For KeyboardButton
it is always returning the button text as messages sent from the user, if you want the data sent back to the bot not being shown/different from the button text, try using InlineKeyboardButton
And as for the /start
button, it is on telegram’s side, we cannot change that.