I am trying to create a function that returns a days historical data for a certain symbol in python and have run across an error where whenever I call this function it return to me:
[{'candles': [], 'symbol': 'snap', 'empty': True}, {'candles': [], 'symbol': 'fb', 'empty': True}]
My expected output would be one where the candles list is filled with data for that certain stock. Here is my code so far:
def historical(symbols, key=TD_KEY, periodType="day", period=1, frequency="minute", needExtended=False): # Gets historical data return_list = [] for symbol in symbols: url = f"/marketdata/{symbol}/pricehistory" endpoint = f"{TD_URL}{url}" payload = {"apikey":key, "periodType": periodType, "period": period, "frequencyType": frequency, "needExtendedHoursData": needExtended} response = requests.get(url=endpoint, params=payload) if str(response) == "<Response [200]>": return_list.append(response.json()) else: return f"Could not seccusfully connect http code {response}" time.sleep(0.5)
The reason behind this strange behavior was because when I was requesting historical data I put my query in lower case and only I changed that to upper case it was able to pull down the data I needed.