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Tag: vectorization

Vectorization assign the newest value based on datetime

I have two dataframe. The first dataframe have only one column: email, the first dataframe is a complete list of email. The second dataframe is a dataframe with three column: email, subscribe_or_unsubscribe, date. The second dataframe is a history of user subcribing or unsubscribing from the email system. The second dataframe is sorted by date with oldest date at index

How to Eliminate for loop in Pandas Dataframe in filling each row values of a column based on multiple if,elif statements

Trying to get rid of for loop to speedup the execution in filling values in Column ‘C’ based on if, elif conditions involving multiple columns and rows. Not able to find a proper solution. tried applying np.where with conditions, choices and default values. But failed to get expected results as i was unable to extract individual values from pandas series

How to vectorize a function with lists as argument?

I need help vectorizing a function in numpy. In Julia, I can do something like that: which returns It takes one sublist at a time from the iterables and expands nothing. In Python, I just can’t get to have a similar behaviour. I tried: but it returns: If I do: I get back: I tried with excluded parameter, but il
