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Tag: unit-testing

How to mock a function that is not part of any class using monkeypatch in Python?

Consider a function: and it’s mock function: How do I mock some_function() function using monkeypath.setattr()? Something similar to: monkeypatch.setattr(<class name>, “some_function”, dummy_function) Not sure what <class name> here should be. Answer obj should be the current module: If some_function is inside another file, you need to import this file to your current module:

How to run Python unit test with maven in Java project?

I have a project that mainly uses Java. We implemented some Python functions in a package and would like to unit test them. There is a package called src/python where these .py files are located. I have to problems implementing the tests: How can I make sure that these unit tests integrate with the maven test framework? So maven will

Unittest is throwing an error Empty suite

Python is throwing an error ‘Empty suite’ when I test my code. The strange thing is when I run Then this will work, however when I run the actual test for my code This will throw me like : I guess it’s not an issue with unittest but only my code. Source code itself is working fine when I run

Unit Testing regex to check for False Positives

so I have a Regex expression that I’m matching against a single string provided to check and match certain information. If it’s matched, only the captured group is returned. I have made my function so that it removes any null strings from the returned array and finally, just gives the captured string as the output. This works great in unit

What does the instance argument in Python’s create_autospec do?

I’m playing around with mock autospecs in Python. Here’s a basic test case where I’m autospecing the Django User class using create_autospec. The test passes when I set both instance=True and instance=False, so what exactly does this parameter do? What’s its purpose? I’ve seen multiple blog posts set it to True (here and here) so I feel like it’s important.

Unable to mock os name with Python on Windows

I have the following method: I’m trying to test it like this: But then the following error is raised: What is happening exactly? Answer What is happening here is that pytest internally uses a pathlib.Path object, which upon initialization asks for to define which Path implementation to use. There are two internal implementations for Path, PosixPath and WindowsPath, which

How deal with the UndefinedUnitError?

I downloaded data from noaa and i wanted to calculate vertical velocity using the function vertical_velocity=metpy.calcmpcalc.vertical_velocity(omega,pressure,temperature). But something wrong when i dealing with the units of varibles. **The units of omega, height and temperature are ‘Pascal/s’, ‘m’ and ‘degC’, repectively. The varible pressure was calculate through the function mpcalc.height_to_pressure_std, and this function didn’t give the unit of pressure. But the
