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Tag: ubuntu

Running a python script in virtual environment with node.js pm2

I would like to reference this question because I am certain that someone will flag this as a duplicate. I am not looking for another reference to supervisord. I’m sure that it is great and all, but the node PM2 has the functionality that I require and is more straightforward to implement and test. Manual Start During prototyping, I created

Execute a command on Remote Machine in Python

I am writing a program in python on Ubuntu, to execute a command ls -l on RaspberryPi, connect with Network. Can anybody guide me on how do I do that? Answer Sure, there are several ways to do it! Let’s say you’ve got a Raspberry Pi on a raspberry.lan host and your username is irfan. subprocess It’s the default Python

GtkWarning: could not open display

I am trying to run a spider on a vps (using scrapyjs which uses python-gtk2). On running the spider I am getting the error How do I run this in a headless setup? Answer First of all, you didn’t specify if you have a desktop environment (or X) installed on your server? Regardless of that, you can achieve headless setup

Use Python to Access Battery Status in Ubuntu

I am trying to come out with a small python script to monitor the battery state of my ubuntu laptop and sound alerts if it’s not charging as well as do other stuff (such as suspend etc). I really don’t know where to start, and would like to know if there is any library for python i can use. Any

Install psycopg2 on Ubuntu

I’m trying to get the python postgres client module installed on Ubuntu 12.04. The guidance is to do the following: However, apt says that the package can’t be located. I’m keen to install this through apt. Is this part of another package that I can install? Answer Using Ubuntu 12.04 it appears to work fine for me: What error are

Virtualenv on Ubuntu with no site-packages

I’ve been using virtualenv lately while developing in python. I like the idea of a segregated development environment using the –no-site-packages option, but doing this while developing a PyGTK app can be a bit tricky. The PyGTK modules are installed on Ubuntu by default, and I would like to make a virtualenv (with –no-site-packages) aware of specific modules that are
