Im trying to get the last tweet froom a twitter account using tweepy in python. I know there are a few similiar answers for example this one Get the last tweet with tweepy However the issue that I have is that i dont get the last tweet from a persons timeline but the second last tweet. Im using this code
Tag: tweepy
Error for max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(),) no attribute ‘connected_component_subgraphs’
I am trying to run this code: But I am getting this error message: How do I get around that? Answer connected_component_subgraphs() has been removed from version 2.4. Instead, use this: according to this answer.
Trouble running Python script CRON: Import Error: No Module Named Tweepy
Background: I am following Crontab not running my python script in an attempt to debug and run my python script using CRON. Per SO suggestions, I tried /usr/bin/python /Users/eer/Desktop/ on the terminal. Problem: However, I get a an error: ImportError: No module named tweepy. So, I tried to pip install tweepy and I get the following:Requirement already satisfied: tweepy in
tweepy error response status code 400
I’m trying to write a simple twitter bot using python and tweepy. The code is as follows: I get the following error: I would like some info on how to avoid this error Answer This may be a bug that emerged in the 3.2.0 release of Tweepy. See this issue opened on GitHub. In that issue, TylerGlaiel notes that api.update_status
Reply to Tweet with Tweepy – Python
I can’t seem to get tweepy to work with replying to a specific tweet: The api says it takes optional parameters and in_reply_to_status_id is the first, but it seems to be ignoring it altogether. This script will post an updated status, but it does not link it as a reply to the tweetId that I’m passing. API for reference: