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Tag: tkinter-entry

Writing a function that draws a cube. I can’t manage to make a full cube, just the y axis cube (more info in text)

as the title says, I want to make a program for school that draws rubiks cube. Essentially, user enters size of cube (3×3, 4×4, …) and the program reads the first number of the entered size. So if user writes 3×3, program will read the number ‘3’ at the beginning. From there, the program will run y = canvas.create_polygon(100,cube_y,200,cube_y,200,cube_y2,100,cube_y2, fill

How to get the value of an Entry created in a def?

I’m working on a project and i would like to get the Value of an Entry created in a def (turned on by a button on Tkinter) So I have my main tkinter menu, with a button which will call the def “panier”. The def “panier” is creating the Entry “value” and another button to call a second def “calcul”.
