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Tag: tensorflow

Synchronization for video/audio/text message in flask web app framework for facial emotion recognition

I have trained a CNN model in Google Colab for facial expression detection with the FER2013 dataset containing 7 emotion classes (‘Angry’, ‘Disgust’, ‘Fear’, ‘Happy’, ‘Sad’, ‘Surprise’, ‘Neutral’). Used flask framework to build a web application. OpenCV’s haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml is used to detect faces. With this I’m able to do real-time live streaming of the video using my laptop’s webcam and

Tensorflow: `tf.reshape((), (0))` works fine in eager mode but ValueError in Graph mode

As the title, the function tf.reshape((), (0)) works perfectly fine in eager mode. But when I use it in Graph mode, it returns: ValueError: Shape must be rank 1 but is rank 0 for ‘{{node Reshape}} = Reshape[T=DT_FLOAT, Tshape=DT_INT32](Reshape/tensor, Reshape/shape)’ with input shapes: [0], []. Can anyone help me with the work-around of this function please. You can reproduce this

Why does Keras run only 5 epochs out of 25?

I have uninstalled Keras and Tensorflow and installed them both using But even after, I still have this strange thing that it’s only 5 epochs that are running: I cannot track when this situation occurred, but it used to run all of the epochs. Here is my code: I also use Please direct me. Answer Try replacing the steps_per_epoch =

Tensorflow: Issues with determining batch size in custom loss function during model fitting (batch size of “None”)

I’m trying to create a custom loss function, in which I have to slice the tensors multiple times. One example is listed below: This (and the entire loss function) works fine when testing it manually on selfmade Tensors y_true and y_pred, but when using it inside a loss function it will give an error upon model fitting (compiling goes fine).

Elegant way to plot average loss of many trains in tensorflow

I am running many iterations of a train so I can smooth out the loss curves. I would like an elegant way to average all the losses from history.history[‘loss’] but haven’t found an easy way to do it. Here’s a minimal example: If I wanted to plot just one example, I would do this: But instead, I want to average
