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Tag: tensorflow

How to train a Keras autoencoder with custom dataset?

I am reading this tutorial in order to create my own autoencoder based on Keras. I followed the tutorial step by step, the only difference is that I want to train the model using my own images data set. So I changed/added the following code: My images are normal .jpg files in RGB format. However, as soon as training starts

Concatenating empty array in Tensorflow

So basically, my question is the same as Concatenating empty array in Numpy but for Tensorflow. Mainly, the motivation is to handle the initial array in a prettier way that using a if statement. My current pseudo-code is: This technique works but I would like to make it a prettier way and maybe using only tf.Tensor. This is a code

Invalid argument: Dimension -972891 must be >= 0

I have created a data pipeline using for speech recognition using the following code snippets: These snippets are borrowed from And my model is defined as below: When I start training process this error appears after a few iterations: Answer I have found that the issue happened in the padding step, I mean I’ve replaced the padding step

Training a single model jointly over multiple datasets in tensorflow

I want to train a single variational autoencoder model or even a standard autoencoder over many datasets jointly (e.g. mnist, cifar, svhn, etc. where all the images in the datasets are resized to be the same input shape). Here is the VAE tutorial in tensorflow which I am using as a starting point: For training the model, I would
