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Tag: tensorflow

Why tensor shape is difference when i use tf.print?

I made simple dataset like below. And I slice it by using from_tensor_slices: (I don’t know exact role of tensor slice function…) when I print dataset using print function, it shows like below: and when I print it using for loop it show like below: Here is question: In my idea, tensor shape should be (4,2) and (4,1) because row

Error in implementing autokeras timeseries model

I was trying to implement autokeras TimeSeriesForecaster on a serial dataset. The features and label of the dataset are respectively given below. df1_x = AutoML preparation The dataframe has no NaN values, the shape of the features dataframe is (7111, 8) i.e. a 2D dataframe. But the error came as following: Answer You need to provide validation data to the

Unknown image file format. One of JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP required

I built a simple CNN model and it raised below errors: The code I wrote is quite simple and standard. Most of them are just directly copied from the official website. It raised this error before the first epoch finish. I am pretty sure that the images are all png files. The train folder does not contain anything like text,
