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Tag: tcl

How to bind Tcl callbacks in Python

I was reading about msgcat. Quote from the docs: ::msgcat::mcunknown locale src-string ?arg arg …? This routine is called by ::msgcat::mc in the case when a translation for src-string is not defined in the current locale. The default action is to return src-string passed by format if there are any arguments. This procedure can be redefined by the application, for

tkinter inter-windows drag and drop support

I’m trying to help the owner of tkdnd generate a wheel and distribute it to Pypi so users could simply install the tkdnd extension with a simple pip install TkinterDnD2. I’m after this ‘challange’ for the last two days but could not solve it by myself so far, but I’m sure someone with a deep understanding python packaging and installing

_tkinter.TclError: can’t find package comm

Running into this issue when trying to utilize the comm package: i’m using python 3.6.8 on windows 10 Answer If you know the directory where the comm package is installed (either the directory containing the pkgIndex.tcl or the immediate parent directory), you should make sure that’s on Tcl’s auto_path before trying to package require the package. The function you need
