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Tag: svm

Error while doing SVR for multiple outputs

Trying to do SVR for multiple outputs. Started by hyper-parameter tuning which worked for me. Now I want to create the model using the optimum parameters but I am getting an error. How to fix this? Output: Trying to create a model using the output: Error: Answer Please consult the MultiOutputRegressor docs. The regressor you got back is the model.

Top 10 features SVC with rbf kernel

I’m trying to get the top 10 most informative (best) features for a SVM classifier with RBF kernel. As I’m a beginner in programming, I tried some codes that I found online. Unfortunately, none work. I always get the error: ValueError: coef_ is only available when using a linear kernel. This is the last code I tested: Does someone no

Compute the gradient of the SVM loss function

I am trying to implement the SVM loss function and its gradient. I found some example projects that implement these two, but I could not figure out how they can use the loss function when computing the gradient. Here is the formula of loss function: What I cannot understand is that how can I use the loss function’s result while
