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Tag: size

How allocation of memory for `dict` in Python works?

I was playing around with Dictionaries and found this. Output: The size of Dictionary length 7 and 10 is the same that is 196 but for length 11, it’s 344. Why are they same? Why does the size rise up with length 11? How does dictionary size work in Python? Answer When you create an empty dictionary, it preallocates the

Get size in Bytes needed for an integer in Python

How can I find out the number of Bytes a certain integer number takes up to store? E.g. for hexadecimal x00 – xff (or decimal 0 – 255 = binary 0000 0000 – 1111 1111) I’m looking to get 1 (Byte), hexadecimal x100 – xffff (or decimal 256 – 65535 = binary 0000 0001 0000 0000 – 1111 1111 1111
