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Tag: screen

How to send Only Selected value to another screen in KivyMD?

output KivyMD Programmers, im new in KivyMD…. on_start() list items are sucessfully showing and on_press sending a selected value too passValue() function…. but here now i wants open new Screen under passValue() function…and pass variable value’s to new Screen…. Answer Since It’s not clear exactly where in your screen Bye you want some variable to be passed, let’s suppose you

ImportError: cannot open shared object file

When I run my code with TensorFlow directly, everything is normal. However, when I run it in a screen window, I get the following error. I have tried the command: But it doesn’t work. Cause I use ssh to connect to the servers, the screen is necessary. How can I fix it? Answer Try to put path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Display/Update score on python using tkinter

I’m making an arcade game using tkinter GUI, that as most arcades, needs a score display on screen that updates every time the user kills an enemy (obviously). I am doing it by creating a text on a canvas, and calling a function that creates another one, but this time with the score value (Which is a global variable) updated.
